At 10:07 AM -0500 3/2/01, wrote:
>I will be using the "moderated list" option from now on. This means that each
>message will be read by the list manager (me!) before it goes on to be posted
>to the whole group. This will have the effect of slowing things down a bit
>and also allow me to discard messages I decide are inappropriate.
>We shall see how this goes, but rest assured that any attacks or posts
>containing negative elements will be discarded. I very likely will not take
>the time to discuss the pros and cons of discarded messages, so if your
>message does not appear, you can assume content was the problem!
>Dale Brown
Cousin Dale, you lousy rotten %^$^&%(!! You ought to #$^&*^%n yourself for this, and all of the %%^&$ bikes you sell are a bunch of $%#%^^&% fakes!
Sheldon "Thought You Might Enjoy Trying Out Your New Powers" B. ;-)
Harris Cyclery, West Newton, Massachusetts
Phone 617-244-9772, 617-244-1040, FAX 617-244-1041
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