Geez, come on you guys, use a chain whip to assemble those freewheels before you ride!
Rick Chasteen, fully threaded and torqued in Kansas City
> Steve,
> Your concern about tightening the cogs
> will be solved when you ride in the top or smallest cog, thus tightening
> with your own "human" torque. That is something I periodically do once or
> twice during the season, regardless. I witnesses a freewheel come
> completely apart by a fellow rider in full stride because the top (high
> gear) cog was not tightly torqued.
> Regards,
> Carl Gonzalez
> CR post from Steve:
> First, the new freewheel was given to me as a body and loose cogs. I just
> hand-threaded the cogs on there. I assume I don't need to take chainwhips
> to them to tighten them individually as the force of riding will do that -
> am I right about this? I cranked on them each a little in the repair
> just by holding the rear brake and pushing on the pedals.
> Many thanks in advance.
> -S-