Interestingly enough, I have friends over from Italy this week, so I will ask them!
Brian Baylis wrote:
> Listmembers,
> I have a friend who is planning a vacation to Italy in a couple of
> months and is interested in visiting the bicycle museum there. Does
> anyone know where in Italy such a museum is located? I would assume it
> is in the northern part, I would imagine not too far from Milano. He
> promises me some "very interesting" photos from said museum that would
> be of interest to us all; the nature of which I will disclose at a later
> date. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
> Second request. Are there any listmembers living in or very near Santa
> Cruz, CA? I'm seeking information that could be had from a local phone
> book from that area. Any help on this one would also be much
> appreciated. Please email me off list.
> Thanks,
> Brian Baylis