Russ, All of that information regarding Herse bikes originating from one "Dr. William Black" was part of a hoax. Precisely how much and what of it was correct or useful has not, as far as I know, been ferreted out. However, the whole matter, kept rather quiet if only for it being somewhat distasteful and unfortunate, really didn't _hurt_ anyone taken in by it---I mean not financially or in any way other than a deception, I believe. I kid you not. A certain person, casting himself in multiple roles, drew in a number of Herse owners to a List that he formed. This List putatively included many old school European owners---the whole matter organized by one "Dr. William Black". Well, there is no William Black, the hoax uncovered by our old mate Jan Heine. I was on this List, as was Jan, perhaps too Gilbert Anderson and surely Dale Brown. We were all sort of passive victims. There were others of goodwill also taken in. The individual guilty of this hoax is likely a certain bicycle shop owner whose problems apparently extend far beyond his interests in old French bikes. Were it not for Jan, we might still be suffering from the growing misconceptions that took in no less than Mike Kone and others knowledgeable in French tourers. Alas, everyone was getting a bit suspicious because of emergent inconsistencies but it was Jan who called the play. Suddenly all of these Belgian, French, and other "characters" plus "Dr. Black" disappeared. As far as I know everyone taken in allowed the matter to drop and the persons of integrity involved all shrugged shoulders and got on with life. Moral of the story: Stay out of Cabbagetown...that being the only level of accusation I should like to make since it has never been proven who was behind this affair. It is all now a rather interesting piece of vintage bike history: the Herse List Hoax.
So it goes. cheers, Douglas Brooks (yes, the _real_ Dr. Douglas R. Brooks...:-) who lives in the real town of Canandaigua, NY (even though that may not sound like a place...but perhaps a clearing of your throat...)
> >
> > Okay, gang - refresh my memory. I recall recently being at a site with a
> > three or four pages online history, etc., of Rene Herse bikes, complete with
> > serial number scheme, etc. Anybody got the link? I can't find it now ... I
> > coulda sworn it was at the Cycles de Oro page, but I don't see it now.
> >
> > Russ Fitzgerald
> > Greenwood SC
> >