Re: [CR]CR list now "moderated"

(Example: Production Builders:Peugeot:PX-10LE)

Date: Sat, 03 Mar 2001 00:52:16 EST
From: <>
Subject: Re: [CR]CR list now "moderated"
To: <>, <>


My first reaction to the new format was that I was 100% behind you as you know:) Your list, your rules...

But, and there is always a but. Recent posts from Steve and Brian have swayed me a bit.

Brian made an excellent point about the cadence and the likelihood of it being interrupted... How am I supposed to waste time at work if posts are not flowing normally so I can check every few hours? And I know that you are probably not enjoying your new role. Remember, have fun and welcome aboard!

Being the owner you still reserve the right to boot the abusive user off. That's the deterence!

Isn't the avg age of a member 43 yrs. old? Not too many virgin eyes here.

My point is that you can still control the list w/o the need to _moderate_ it and if an objectionable post does get posted exercise your power of authority...

What's objectionable?

Good question which brings me to my other point. I know that you have the most invested with the list and tech- nically are the owner but I think this list has evolved enough to be considered our list. When I say our list I mean every member - we all have some investment in it.

With that comes responsibility to the list. We all need to "carefully consider before sending" and keep the "Me too and Attaboy" posts to a minimum. Also, if it is our list shouldn't we decide what is objectionable?

Disagreements are going to happen like they do in every day life and a little verbal jousting seems ok if it is still within the topic of discussion.

So, I ask you to reconsider and let freedom reign and I would like others to make a pledge for civility.

Just my 2 cents...

Mike "Shellacing the night away" Wilkinson Parker, CO