It's my understanding that one can still buy a Toei from Japan, though you'd need Jitensha or someone who speaks Japanese to help. But, just to reply to Brandon, a fully-equipped Toei I am told runs about 5K, this with an array of old school parts, mudguards, lights internally wired, custom racks, etc. This is exactly the same cost as a new Singer from M. Csuka in Paris. M. Csuka will indeed make you a custom stem too, though I think not the brakes or cranks any longer. I believe the point concerning Japanese collectors is not that they lack a commitment or love of these wonderful style bikes but, more precisely, that they do and are willing to reach into their pockets to obtain what they love. I have nothing to say about what folks are willing to pay for anything, that being their business and none of mine. I am wondering if Hirose is still in business and I wish I spoke and read Japanese. Does anyone know? These are indeed beautiful and masterfully made bikes.
no bike pages in Sanskrit, Tibetan, Tamil... but I could help there,
and I might get to Japan in the next few years and would love to
know how one might visit these shops,
Douglas Brooks
Canandaigua, NY