The results of the second CR survey are in, ³What would you spend your $300.00 tax rebate on?² Nobody asked for anonymity, so I¹ll use names. Responses are edited for length.
Altruistic: David Allen - would buy bikes at Goodwill and donate them to the Boys Club.
Warmth: Richard Rose - gets a Richard Sachs Jacket and Vintage Velos wool jerseys.
Nepotism: Walt Skrzypek - Campy & Bianchi stuff at his Moms bike shop.
Anglophile: Jim Salzlein - British 3 speed stuff (See you at the British Bike Weekend swapmeet, I¹ll be wearing a Tweed jacket & tie)
Stylish: David Goerndt - Down payment on a CyclArt Restoration of a '63 Cinelli SC.
Facetious: ³halbike² - one third of a Simplex derailleuer
Next question to follow.
Roy H. Drinkwater