RE: [CR]URLs for Toei, Pegasus, etc

(Example: Framebuilders:Chris Pauley)

In-Reply-To: <C102531FB711D411B5B90060B0A4687605E54C@MAIL>
Date: Sat, 7 Apr 2001 16:00:30 +0900
From: "kenji fusejima" <>
Subject: RE: [CR]URLs for Toei, Pegasus, etc

Thanks for your praise about my website programming. I am grad to hear you especially love for "Shift Up/Down" and preview picture. When I invent these "Shift Up/Down" links, I became grad.

I also thanks about your advice about a illustration for American bike links. I apologize to all Americans for my Insensibility. I am sorry. I will change this illustration as soon as possible.

This illustration is a photocopy from french "le Cycle" magazine at October 1971 page 23, draw by Daniel Rebour. Others are photocopies from British "Ron Kitching's Handbook" at 1970 page130. Sorry to copyright holder.

glassed, projecting toothed, camera hold short man Kenji Fusejima Tokyo Japan

At 10:32 PM -0700 01.4.4, Mark Bulgier wrote:
>I've only explored the first link so far, the one to your collection, but
>I'm extremely impressed. Not only with the bikes but with the web
>programming too - I just love the "Shift Up" and "Shift Down" links, and the
>way a mouseover gives a preview of the picture the link leads to -
>I hope every list member has gone and studied every photo of the Singer
>touring bike, at least - truly fine photos of a fantastic bike, so many
>fascinating details.
>I fear though, some Americans may not like the caricature of Americans, on
>the link to American bikes. Not all Americans are burnt-out long-haired
>drug addicts you know (although I am, so of course I am not offended).
>Honestly, you can't see me grin in e-mail, so I must say again I thought it
>was all wonderful, even the caricature which is hilarious. Bravo!
>Mark Bulgier
>Seattle, Wa USA