listmembers: i sent this note to brandon re: the 'campi' thing and related issues. i'm forwarding it to the list now... ____________________________________ it has been this way since as far back as i recall... campy-in the u.s.a. campag-in great britain cam-in australia campa-in holland these are the bastard-izations which i'm aware of. 'not sure what the french/italians/and others called it. fwiw, i HATE 'campy'. out of respect for the firm's long legacy, i say 'campagnolo' always! re: the other issues... campanolo usa was part of a long list of iterations of the same company/mostly same people who ran the marketing+importing arm of campagnolo. they were the link between italy and the usa distibutors. over the years 'campagnolo usa', 'ultima', 'olympic resources', and other names all pretty much served the same purpose. it all began in the early 70s when a texan named dan neale went to italy and bought a gazillion bucks worth of parts to sell. first came 'nealeco', then 'olympic resources', and the other versions would follow. i saved all my catalogs/correspondance/price lists! e-RICHIE