[CR]E-bay prices and collectibility

(Example: Bike Shops)

From: "Warren Young" <wyoung@stonehenge.ca>
To: "Classicrendezvous (E-mail)" <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2001 15:09:33 -0400
Subject: [CR]E-bay prices and collectibility

I think the repetition of collectibility "patterns" has been skewed with the advent of this information age. I do believe that after an initial frenzy that prices will likely normalize but that may take quite some time as more and more people use the internet. The market for goods is at the knee of a growth curve and who knows how long it will continue to expand. Disregarding the anomalies we have witnessed as of late, things are going to increase in price at a faster but still gradual rate. The supply and demand economic models will still apply...just not yet. The world's getting very small.

People covet what they see...unfortunately they see it all on e-bay. We need alternatives to the world wide auction. It may be naive to suggest that people may want to barter for "fair value" instead of maximum profit but hey, can't a fellow dream?

Warren Young

Brandon wrote...

I think right now is the heigth of "lightweight" collecting. You mark my words, in 10 years there will be half the number of people collecting "lightweight" stuff. It's basic economics of supply vs. demand at work.