Re: [CR]E-bay prices

(Example: Framebuilders:Chris Pauley)

Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2001 13:24:52 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Tom Dalton" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]E-bay prices
To: John Taglia <>
In-Reply-To: <>

As I said, the vast majority of end users are better off with the modern product. Remember who we're talking about, most people buying a new bike these days are not getting 10 or even 9 cogs, but are struggling along with a mere 8 (last I checked). That these cogs are selected by indexed shifting, and in some cases integrated shifters, makes using the full range of gears much easier for these riders. The fact that a rider, even a woman with small hands, can apply substantial braking force to the rim will allow her to ride safely on the hoods, where she may have felt uncomfortably restricted to the drops before. Modern clinchers perform better than old ones and very nearly as well as tubulars, yet they are cheaper, easier to maintain and safer. At a given price point (in real dollars) bikes are lighter today. Rims are stronger, bearings are better sealed, seats are available in a broader range of designs, clipless pedals are less hastle. Other than the fact that it is not what we grew up with, what's not to like? Well, of course the stuff isn't universally interchangeable (as if it ever really was) and maybe some stuff is less durable (some stuff is more so).

Tom Dalton

--- John Taglia wrote:

> At 11:27 AM 4/18/2001 -0700, Tom Dalton wrote in
> part:
> >Modern cars, like modern bikes, are simply much
> better
> >for the vast majority of end users. Fringe group
> >fanatics like ourselves and the street-rod set are
> not
> >unwarranted in their nostalgia and for them the old
> >stuff may actually better meet their needs.
> However,
> >this is only because we are willing to suffer the
> many
> >drawbacks of old products to gain some benefits
> that
> >would be totally lost on most of the population.
> I have to disagree with this.
> I really think bike component technology peaked in
> 1984 or so. I don't
> think moder 10 cog clusters are better. I don't
> find modern brakes an
> advance. Most of the changes seems like marketing.
> I like my Merlin, but
> I think it would be just as fast built up with a
> Spidel gruppo or 50th
> Anniversary gruppo as with modern components.
> Regards,
> John Taglia
> Sunny and mid 40's in Chicago
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