Re: [CR] Books for Sale 4/4/01

(Example: Bike Shops)

Date: Wed, 04 Apr 2001 16:38:02 +0100
Subject: Re: [CR] Books for Sale 4/4/01
From: "Hilary Stone" <>

I have sorted out some more books. All items are priced in $. Postage will be extra charged at cost. Enquire for actual cost if you like before deciding. Payment can be made in cash with dollars or by money order in Pounds sterling ($1.40 to 1 pound sterling). American Express Travellers cheques are also fine. Regards Hilary Stone

The Ti-Raleigh Story by Peter Duker published by ProNews 1980 50pp A4 Has sections on Reg Harris, Peter Post, Grand Prix of Frankfurt, 1976 season, Bill Nickson, Three Peaks, etc etc Masses of photos Softback Excellent clean condition with a few ads. $55

The Story of the Raleigh Cycle by Gregory Houston Bowden Published by W H Allen 1975 216pp The story of Raleigh with two chapters on Raleigh in America plus another good chapter including details of the Ti-Raleigh team in its earliest days. $85

The Tour de France by Peter Clifford Published by Stanley Paul 1965 192pp Year by year account of the Tour de France. The best English language history to date ­ surely there must be someone to bring this up to date. Excellent condition but missing dustjacket. $65

Raleigh Sports­Road bike catalogue English market 1962 season. 10pp incl cover full colour. Models included the Gran Sport, Sprite, Blue Streak MkIII, Blue Streak Mark II Mint condition $15

Sporting Cyclist Magazine July 1957 48pp incl cover in the late 50s and most of the 60s the best coverage in the English speaking world was provided by the the Sporting Cyclist. Its editor Jock Wadley was just superb . THis issue covered the French Poly event, a Madison track event at the Coventry Butts stadium, a picture feature on Anquetil ­ remember this was before Anquetil¹s great Tour wins, Brian Robinson the first Englisg speaking rider to win a TDF stage and a 2pp dps on Tommy Simpson at age 19, as well as a nice though fairly modest selection of ads. Scruffy cover and loose binding but great reading. $15

The Story of the Bicycle by John Woodforde published by Rouledge and Kegan Paul 1970 175pp Plenty of good line illustrations from the first fifty years of cycling but the text cannot be relied upon. However at $25 it is excellent value. Perfect condition complete with dustjacket.

Bicycling 1874 A textbook for Early Riders Reprinted by David And Charles 1970 from 1874 original. 80pp Excellent manual of how to ride a Highwheeler bicycle and early cycle sport. Perfect condition complete with dustjacket. $25

The Complete Cyclist by Harold Moore Published by Pitman 3rd Edition 1949 144pp Nice small book with a few good photos of period bikes and equipment. All round guide to cycling at the time. Scruffy dustjacket but otherwise very good $18

Cycles in Colour by Robert Wilkinson-Lathsam Published by Blandford Press 1978 Text is a little flawed bbut it is worth it alone for a great collection of colour photos and drawings of bicycles from the Ned Passey Collection, one of the largest and most comprehensive collections of cycles in Britain. Over 110 plates in all. Excellent condition with perfect dustjacket $35