Grant Handley has NOS Herse crank arms on eBay...
Look here to see them:
Non sequitor: yesterday I won (thanks Hilary!) a NOS pair of Mafac Raids, which were _just_ the ticket for my incoming Mariposa. Raids are the long reach version of Racers, though they strike me as being of slightly better quality. They are typically found on 650b bikes and tandems, at least the ones I have seen. Anyone know of any other models of long reach centerpulls? Weinmeann or Diacompe make ones like these?
Non sequitor 2: would anyone care to wax poetically (or just plainly) about a Simplex de-multiplicator such as the ones that are used with Simplex bar end shifters? Any/all information is most welcome. I am attempting to advance my meager understanding of the sublime.
graduating a slew of new classicists this weekend,
Douglas Brooks
Canandaigua, NY