Re: RE: Fight pickin' ... Re: [CR]Quiet again

(Example: Racing:Jean Robic)

From: <>
Date: Wed, 23 May 2001 23:08:00 EDT
Subject: Re: RE: Fight pickin' ... Re: [CR]Quiet again

Hi gang,

I've seen quite a few classic bikes with extended headtubes, not many racers or track bikes. Rene Herse built quite a few this way and in touring bikes these are known as quite classique, qui? Gilles Berthoud still builds lots of them.

My own Herse has a very tall 531 chromed quill almost that has the stem extension clamped onto it Ahead set style. The headset is a threaded Edco, kind of a hybrid arrangement. A tall brazed on steerer naturally eliminates the need for extended headtubes but sometimes that can be an elegant solution. I bet Doug Brooks Mariposa is very pretty.

If you don't like it please don't build an ugly one, or buy one. Fightin mad Gilbert!

In a message dated 5/23/01 8:21:56 PM, writes:

<< I'm with Brian 100% here. I think extended headtubes are freakin stupid. I hate to burst people's bubbles but Grant is a marketing person NOT a framebuilder. Don't get me wrong I've met Grant twice, back in the mid-90's, and like the man, but too many people take his words as gospel. He say's he's designing in a classic style, but I've never seen any "classic" bikes with extended headtubes. So by definition "classic" stems should work just fine on bikes that are tall enough. >>