[CR]Yet another PA ride (3rd try)

(Example: Bike Shops)

Date: Sat, 26 May 2001 16:42:12 -0400
From: "Roy H. Drinkwater" <roydrink@mac.com>
To: Classicrendezvous <Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>, internet-bob-admin@bikelist.org
Subject: [CR]Yet another PA ride (3rd try)

Well, due to getting the announcement out late and the bad weather, Sunday 20 May ride had only two participants, beside myself and Janet. Didn't do the whole ride to Mt. Grenta, but got 30 miles in. Any ride is good...

But then, my luck has been consistent this week, bad. After the ride my home computer went down, before a week in rainy New Jersey at the Office. At least I was able to read (not send) to the lists, got home and found that all my email and web browser files & bookmarks wiped (no backups). So I'm using another email/ browser program and don't have any addresses for those who've written me.

So again,

The next PA Ride for Classic Rendezvour's, Ibob and others is going to be...

"A Ride to Paradise, but first, Intercourse!"

17 June @ 12 noon

Starting at my house in Lititz, PA (will send directions with RSVP)apx. 30 miles and after...

A Swap Meet! Bring a blanket and your items to sell, trade, or give away.

RSVP or any questions to <roydrink@mac.com> If you've ever wrote me before, write me again so I can start another mail list...

Roy "Stuck in New Jersey rain for a week!' Drinkwater Lititz "rain here too, but I can fix the computer...", PA