At 08:36 6/14/2001 -0500, Rick Chasteen wrote:
>This discussion of Simplex dropouts prompts a question about Huret
>dropouts, those with the tang at the front instead of the back.
>Is there a way to use an NR derailleur on this dropout without removing
>the derailleur mount? I plan to use the Jubilee that came with the bike
>but I would like to have the option of something else, just in case........
there are several ways to fill in the space behind the forward tang so a
campy-type derailleur will hang free. Least destructive, and perhaps
easiest to do, is to fabricate a thin washer with a tab that hangs into the
space, with the washer mounted between the drop-out and the derailleur. It
is possible, if you have a steady hand, to drill and tap for a small screw
that would serve the same function. Most extreme is to cut off the Huret
tab and braze on a Suntour tab (4542 is the part number for the hanger, I
think). I've installed several of these, cut-off, butt-brazed against the
bottom of a hangerless dropout.
What I haven't checked is whether the "fill-in" methods can be done w/o filing away the rear tab, which keeps the campy from swinging back to clear the freewheel when you are removing the wheel.
BTW, there are Jubilees with top ends designed for campy ends!
good luck!
harvey sachs