RE: [CR]Ride 'em or Just Look at 'em

(Example: Component Manufacturers)

From: "Bingham, Wayne" <>
Subject: RE: [CR]Ride 'em or Just Look at 'em
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2001 10:19:22 -0400

>>>>Anyone on the list have a bike that is too nice to ride (as in "I'm unworthy")?<<<<

I ride everything that I own, and wouldn't have it any other way. That's one of the reasons that I like finding bikes (particularly frames) that are original, nor refurbished and repainted. That way, the little nicks and scratches are already there and I don't worry too much about adding a few myself. For me, the real joy in this hobby is "playing" with these great "toys". (And if you think they're not toys, at least on some level, you've just lost touch with your inner child!) I love to ride bicycles (although my wife says that I like taking them apart and putting them together more), and having various types, styles, materials and vintages to compare just adds to the enjoyment.

I'll admit that I don't ride my vintage stuff all the time. Actually, it's just the opposite. Anyone who has been around this list for a while knows that I like new technology as well as old (even though, for the most part, I try and stay out of the old vs. new debates). The bike I will put the "serious" miles on for the next couple years is a 2000 Pinarello Prince. Bought from and signed by Giovanni Pinarello himself in Italy last year (as close to a classic link that this Scandium/Carbon/integrated/10 speed conglomeration will ever even come close to). But that's okay, the Prince is a great bike too. Different, to be sure, but just as much fun as anything I've owned.

But I ride them all. To me, they're just not as interesting if I'm not going to ride them. I'll ride my '75 Masi when it's finished, even with the Campy SR titanium BB spindle and pedal axles. If not, I might as well get rid of it. Most of the true "ground up" restorations I've done, I've sold off. Let someone else decide if it's to be ridden or not. Whatever makes them happy. Do I reduce the value of some of my bikes and parts by riding them? Undoubtedly. But I'm not in this to fund my retirement, probably just the opposite! When I think about it, I don't want to die and have bikes left that I haven't ridden yet!

Wayne "happily collecting/hording anything with two wheels" Bingham Summer in the city (DC)