Frames have "mystique" or a "mystical quality" ... not "mystic" (which is a town in Connecticut) ...
From (Merriam-Webster)
Main Entry: mys·tique Pronunciation: mi-'stEk Function: noun Etymology: French, from mystique, adjective, mystic, from Latin mysticus Date: 1891 1 : an air or attitude of mystery and reverence developing around something or someone 2 : the special esoteric skill essential in a calling or activity
Main Entry: mystic Function: noun Date: 1679 1 : a follower of a mystical way of life 2 : an advocate of a theory of mysticism
From (American Heritage)
mys·tique (m-stk) n. An aura of heightened value, interest, or meaning surrounding something, arising from attitudes and beliefs that impute special power or mystery to it: the cowboy mystique; the mystique of existentialism.
mys·tic (mstk) adj. Of or relating to religious mysteries or occult rites and practices. Of or relating to mysticism or mystics. Inspiring a sense of mystery and wonder.
Mysterious; strange. Enigmatic; obscure. Mystical.
n. One who practices or believes in mysticism or a given form of mysticism: Protestant mystics.