[CR]Re:Minder KC Bicycle Swap Meet this Sunday 6AM

(Example: Events:Cirque du Cyclisme)

From: <CYCLETRUCK@aol.com>
Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2001 22:13:32 EDT
To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Subject: [CR]Re:Minder KC Bicycle Swap Meet this Sunday 6AM

Without pre-registration its impossible to know just how many will actually show up. El Torreon is a very ample facility so we expect to have room for everybody but I'm hearing daily from many folks that I didn't think would be traveling from so far---Illinois, Indiana, Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Oklahoma, and of course, Missouri, Kansas, Iowa, & Nebraska. (Several KC CR list members have also told me they will be either setting up or showing up.) The other organizers tell me they are getting the same response. Most folks are surprised at the free setup spaces. Next year there will be a nominal charge but Abe (the owner of the building and our excellent host) just wants the inaugural meet to be well attended so he very generously stipulated that the first year should be free. (If you see him there on Sunday be sure to thank him...)

So if everyone shows up who has said they will----and that's a lot----this will be one huge meet. That of course isn't counting the participants who haven't called ahead. All I can tell you is get there early. We have discussed opening the doors before 6ix if the line is especially long.

I'm trying to arrange for a coffee (Campyccino) cart to be there before the dawn so those in line will have something to sip & gnosh---nothing definite yet though.

Calvert Guthrie Kansas City

Map at this site: http://maps.yahoo.com/py/maps.py?Pyt=Tmap&addr=3101+Gilliham&city=Kansas+City& state=MO&slt=39.099701&sln=-94.578300&mlt=39.070800&mln=-94.578600&name=&zip=& country=us&BFKey=&BFCat=&BFClient=&mag=8&desc=&cs=7&newmag=9&poititle=&poi=

BTW: Abe has planned a "North London Soul" Dance party to commence some time in the midafternoon with a DJ who specializes in that genre of vibe.....this is something perhaps more for the Scooter/Krate/SmallWheel crowd, (I won't know if its for me till I have an opportunity to observe its influence on my feet). But if you want to stick around there is plenty of other music in town for the Folkabillygrass types like myself.....and of course lots of that KC brand of Jazz all over town.