Oly the Volvo wonder wagon and I drove 100+ miles through wretched scrub brush only to find ourselves at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena for another of "Chuck's" first Sunday rides. Of course I parked in the wrong lot but soon found the group. As I rolled in I got the "Who the hell are you look" but after stating, "I am monkeyman" many came to shake my hand and say things like, "You're exactly like I pictured", how's a lad to take that? Anyway after some gauking and putting faces to names we were off. Within a quarter-mile we were in trouble as half the pack missed turning into a parking lot to see the building where the up coming symposium will be. Again we off and rolling through many little pretty towns no bigger than 5 square miles and Chuck playing local historian. It was really pretty, particularly all the nice shade. . . for a while. Driving down you could never believe that trees actually grow there, those of you in the Pac. NW know what I'm taking about. Also the drivers were great. . . it's like they take all their frustrations out on the freeway and drive like the proverbial grandma in town. After 15 miles we stopped for "coffee" at the --damn, forgot the name-- coffee shop, though they gave me a cranberry muffin instead of a blueberry, my smoothie was great. We then took up three small tables outside-- there were 15 of us-- and at my table was Bob Brown, Ringleader Chuck, someone who's name has already slipped (sorry it's the dyslexia and short term memory problems), Brian Baylis, and Jim Cunningham. We sat and talked about geology and proceeded to diss some industry folk. It was fun. For those of you out there that think there is some deep hatred between Jim and Brian I can say I think it just boils down to professional differences and if you're in the bike industry or been in for longer than 10 years you understand. We all had fine "coffee" and talk and then it was time for the final leg of the ride. I spent it talking some bikes, some cars, some surfing with various members of the group. I can say that after 15 years of cycling I've never NEVER ridden with a more social group. If you can walk to the corner store you can ride with this group. I had a great time and saw some things my jaded eyes had never seen. The question I was asked more than "Where did monkeyman come from?" was when are you going to come back to CR? As you can tell I never really left, but I'm really now just lurking until I do unsubscribe at the end of the month before I head to Amsterdam for 2 weeks. Here is my official time-line. . . I have none. After today it's even harder for me to leave, but I have things I need to get done before coming back and getting those things done come before the list. I urge anyone within driving distance to try to make these rides, the ride was mellower and I had a better time than I expected. If you'd like to do one and you're from further North drop me a line and I have a couch that folds out for you. Come and find your friends. enjoy, Brandon"monkeyman"Ives
PS: I urge folks to make plans for Chuck's little get together because it'll be a good one.