If we have any old Los Angeles natives in the
audience,They may remember Westwood Cyclery across
Wilshire from the U. on WW Bl.First run by Ed Lynch and
then Charlie Harding.Around 1958,Lloyd Drum was a
teenage mechanic there,and created the so called 90
speed Frejus which occupied the front window for a
while.It still exists with Charlie Harding.a Sturmey 4
speed with a cobbled together 6 speed cluster on a
threaded driver,shifted by an early Huret Allvit.In
front is an assemblage of four chainrings covered by a
butchered Simplex Competition D15.
Lloyd Drum lives(I know not where) in an inherited
house with some outbuildings chock-a-block with saved
bicycle hardware and other good stuff.His social skills
apparently suffered from some trauma,so he's kinda hard
to get together with,which is why his location is
closely guarded.There are some other bad setups around
the South Bay where damaged old bikeys are hidden away
with the stash...
Good Luck,Seth Finkelstein,Sata Cruz,CA