Hello Gang...
No big news this time, just a kind of state of the list message!
Thanks to all of you for maintaining the civil and informative atmosphere on the CR list. Everyone has been extremely helpful and I am really happy. We are up to 492 members at this exact moment.. Quite a large list, don't you think?
I know that many of you are reading the CR list and not participating, but not-to-worry, I think that's just fine if you have nothing to add. But if you DO have questions or information to contribute, please do not hesitate!
I hope to meet with those you in the bike business at the InterBike Show in Vegas and at the VeloSwap in Denver. (I will post a separate message about those get-togethers.) I also urge you all to try to attend the Velo Rendezvous in October and plan now for the Cirque du Cyclisme on May 4 & 5, 2002.
Thanks again, Dale
Dale Brown List manager <A HREF="http://www.classicrendezvous.com/main.htm">Classic Rendezvous</A>