> A friend at work gave me his bike and I wanted to
> get some info on it. he
> said it was a Schwinn LeTour, it has a lugged frame
> (all chrome when the
> paint was removed) It has mostly Shimano parts.
> Where does the LeTour fit in
> the Schwinn pecking order?
You probably have a Super LeTour, built in Japan of straight gauge CroMoly: those are the only ones I know of that were chromed. The problem is that my recollection is that they came chromed from the factory. I'm not aware of any painted models, but there may have been. If they were painted, they probably had chromed lugs. Is the chrome shiny or roughened?
I'm thinking you have a LeTour 12.2 (stands for wt in kg). There was also a Voyageur 11.8, which was a nicely turned-out touring bike.
Morgan Groves in sunny DeKalb
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