Re: [CR] Items for Sale 10/9/01

(Example: History:Ted Ernst)

Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2001 15:01:29 +0100
Subject: Re: [CR] Items for Sale 10/9/01
From: "Hilary Stone" <>
To: "Classicrendezvous (E-mail)" <>
In-Reply-To: <>

I thought it would be good to share some more recent finds with the list. All items are priced in $. Shipping will be extra charged at cost. Enquire for actual cost if you like before deciding. Photograhs can be emailed if required. Payment can be made in cash with dollars or by money order in Pounds sterling ($1.50 to 1 GBP). American Express Travellers cheques are also fine. Regards Hilary Stone

TOMMY GODWIN TRACK BICYCLE 22 3/4in centre bottom bracket to top of top tube and centre to centre top tube. Probably 1960s. No mudguard eyes but drilled fork crown. All chrome forks with chrome in very good condition. Nervex Pro lugs. Campagnolo Pista 170mm chainset, with 52T ring. Date 3 in a circle indicating 1983 chainset. Chainset shows no marks at all. Paintwork was redone in black with correct original transfers at same time. Paintwork is very useable but there are a few small scratches marks. Tommy Godwin was a well known track cyclist who set up a bike shop in Birmingham in the late 1950s I think. Cinelli aluminium track bars with engraved crests either side of stem - bars are perfect stem shows a few very light marks. Cinelli Unicanitor leather topped saddle on Nuovo Record seatpin. Nuovo Record bottom bracket, and steel Record headset. No pedals. Wheels are optional - Campag Pista 28H on Super Champion Competition rims with 15/17g stainless spokes. This is a lovely track machine that could be ridden on the track or road with the addition of a front brake. Pictures can be viewed at The bars and stem are not shown but pictures can be emailed on request. With wheels $695, without wheels $495.

BLUEMELS BLACK FEATHERWEIGHT PUMP 15in. Very good condition, very slightly faded but excellent for 50s British bike $35

JECO MILEOMETER NOS almost identical to Lucas mileometer of the period, boxed, perfect thought to be for 27in wheel as marked K700. $20

LAMBERT CENTRE-PULL BRAKESET NOS levers and callipers, no straddle wires, bridges or stops. Perfect condition $45

ZEUS ALFA BRAKESET Excellent lightly used condition with Universal brake blocks, complete with straddle wires and levers. These are a very close imitation of the Mafac Dural Forge Racers even down to being engraved Dural Forge. Must be from 1960s or early 70s. $65

PHILLIPS LEATHER RACING SADDLE Very close in shape and dimensions to a Brooks B17. Excellent thick leather hide, very lightly used with just a few minor marks. I certainly did not know Phillips ever sold this type of saddle under their own name and I rather suspect it was made by Brooks for them. $55

THE PENGUIN BOOK OF THE BICYCLE by Rod Watson and Martin Gray 1978 333pp This very underrated book covers cycle history, the contemporary scene at the end of the 70s (mostly in Britain) and has a superb chapter on the contemporary cycle British cycle industry. This includes interviews with Dave Moulton (before he went to the US), Reynolds, Raleigh ­ this is a long section covering company history, contemporary production and details of the Ti-Raleigh team and their bikes etc. This is the rare hardback edition and it is in excellent condition $24

CREAM CELLULOID/PLASTIC ? MUDGUARD set NOS for 26in or 27in wheels. Lovely slight translucent colour. Unbranded but nice fairly narrow (1 5/8in wide) ribbed shape similar to Bluemels lightweight. Complete with seatstay bridge, front mudflap and a set of Bluemels stays $45

STURMEY ARCHER 4-spEED TRIGGER NOS perfect in original wrapper. This is the style with the red lettering that first appeared in the late 50s I think. Perfectly compatible with all Sturmey Archer 4-speed hubs $35

Reynolds 1/2 x 3/32in NOS derailleur chain in original box, perfect condition especially good for older derailleurs where there¹s a largish gap between the top derailleur pulley and sprockets as this chain is stiffer than modern chains $25

COLORAL BOTTLE CORK with silver aluminium top and two straw holes NOS $15

ZEUS SADDLE with brown suede top NOS perfect $40