I have heard that the honey B.17 N saddles that are being sold by SJS are a batch that was made special for a European manufacturer. The bike manufacturer went under and SJS bought the lot of saddles in the bankruptcy proceedings.
Bill Laine Wallingford Bicycle Parts http://www.wallbike.com
> Sam DiBartolomeo wanted a source for a B17N in the UK. Again,
>like many others, I would highly recommend Bill Laine @ Wallingford
>Bike or Sheldon Brown @ Harris Cycle, but it seems that the only
>B17N's imported are black. Hugh Flynn on the iBOB list found that
>St Johns Street Cycles http://www.sjscycles.com does have B17N's
>in honey.
> I haven't had the opportunity yet to order from them, but
>others have recommended their service.
>Roy "all my saddles are Brooks*" Drinkwater
>Lititz "and they're all brownish**", PA
>* ...except for the Lepper and the Wrights...
>** ...except for the B17N and the extra B72's...