garth libre wrote:
> I must have been dreaming for the past twenty years, or too anti technology. I can't seem to remember when cyclocomputers first made the scene. I can't remember when they became popular, and I can't remember which were the first ones I saw. What did the first one's do and who were the people who resisted the trend? Now, it seems that people like myself who measure distances and time runs are in a definite minority. Friends of mine who have them often report that they don't work, or sometimes don't work, plus on the track they are forbiden for safety reasons. I wouldn't mind having one if it were invisable, but I secretly believe that training should be "intuitive". Nothing craps up the look of a bike faster than that wire wrapped around the brake cable. On a classic bike, it seems as out of place as a cup holder or a cigarette lighter would.
> When did these things gain acceptance as something other than a gimmick to keep your focus off the road? I clearly remember that in the 60's some people had these metal and later plastic odomoters clamped to their front fork, that worked by having a pin tip a gear each single revolution, and I never remember seeing them on race bikes, only touring types. I am only guessing but the lack of acceptance of these simple odometers by serious racers must have slowed the acceptance of the later electrical versions. Garth, dreaming up new historical tidbits everyday, Libre
They made their appearance before the turn of the last century (pre 1900).
Chuck Schmidt