Re: [CR]Falcon made Eddy Merckx

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Campagnolo)

Date: Wed, 09 Jan 2002 23:52:31 +0000
Subject: Re: [CR]Falcon made Eddy Merckx
From: "Hilary Stone" <>
To: <>
In-Reply-To: <>

Falcon are still in existence but the Falcon Eddy Merckxs were a 1970s bike. Falcon's frames from this period were fairly basic - Shimano 500 was fairly typical of the kit fitted at the end of the period. It was typically fitted by them to 531 plain gauge frames of the period.

Hilary Stone, Bristol, England

Ted Williams wrote:
> I remember 2 different models; one higher end, not bad though a little crude;
> the other complete garbage (unless it was your idea of something nice). As
> far as I know, they predated Japanese components.
> John Dunn wrote originally: Were the Falcon made Eddy Merckx, in the early 70's, with the Triangular picture-sticker of Eddy M. , on the seat tube, and another yellow sticker above and a pink one below, worth a toot? Came with Shimano 500 components. Thanks for any info.