Re: [CR]Rear axle replacement questions?

(Example: Production Builders:Tonard)

Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2002 14:28:15 -0500
Subject: Re: [CR]Rear axle replacement questions?
From: "Steven m Johnson" <>

On Mon, 18 Feb 2002 10:21:09 -0500 "Roy H. Drinkwater" <> writes:
> 1. Are the Wheels Manufacturing axles a good replacement?

I love'em. The price is right, and they are smooth and strong.
> b. The front axles are listed as 110mm; 100mm spacing + 5mm
> each
> dropout, but the rear axles are longer. Are rear dropouts wider
> than
> fronts? Would they be 5.5mm? And therefore, 126mm spacing would
> have a 137mm axle (126+5.5+5.5)?

Memory says some of the 70s Shimano rear dropouts were 7mm. Does not matter, cut it if you need to.
> III. Do Record and Nuovo Tipo rear hubs both use 10mm 26tpi
> axles?

Don't know about Tipo, but I bet it is the same. Also, don't get the 10mm confused with the 9.5mm axles found on lots of Japanese hubs, 26tpi on both.
> four. Can an axle be cut or ground down to the proper length
> without weakening it?

Put a cone or nut on the end you are going to cut. Cut it, and then grind a 30-40 degree bevel on the end threads. It won't show, unless that picky judge at the Rendezvous get together has a head to head with two Masi's and starts taking the wheels apart to see just how classic the guts really are.

"And second place goes to the Masi with the cut down substitute Wheels Manufacturing axles!"

Steven M. Johnson, Chesapeake, VA

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