[CR]Theft and CR Member Security and Privacy

(Example: Racing:Beryl Burton)

Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2002 10:20:40 -0700
To: <Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
From: "Bicycle Classics inc" <bikevint@tiac.net>
Subject: [CR]Theft and CR Member Security and Privacy

I'm not sure of Dales policy on this, but I believe that list members should not give out addresses of list members or even other dealers/collectors unless the address is one that is publicaly advertised by that party.

Unfortunately, events of the past few years have confirmed the following regarding the vintage community:

A) There are, lurking in the community, those that will steal to get what they want. We had lots stolen from our shop when we were in Needham MA - in one case in a very well planned "set-up". Items stolen were the best-of-the-best items by knowledgable folks who knew just what to take. Also recall the theft that Marc Boral reported a few years back. Then recall the well planed break in at Campagnolo's headquarters a number of years ago. It can happen.

B) There are those that hide on email groups that engage in fradualent misrepresentation of who they are. Myself, Dale Brown, and other folks who in theory should have a clue about stuff have been duped by evil doers. Heck, if a bunch of us were duped for 3 weeks into a fake Rene Herse group, it can't be that hard for a no-goodnick to get an address from an unsuspecting person who provides the address with good intentions.

Given that bad stuff can occur, and that bad people have been known to lurk among us, we should all be carefull on what info we give out about other people. There is never a reason in this e-mail world, to have to give out a persons address. If the person runs a business and advertises the address than its a different story. Otherwise, give out the e-mail address or otherwise if you know the party contact them and say "so-and-so" is trying to reach you.

I know this may sound a bit paranoid, but ones view on this changes once irreplacable stuff dissappears.

Mike "where is my Cinelli bicycle, Cinelli head badge, badged Cinelli stem, NOS Brooks 1963 Swallow saddle, Campy unmarked NR brake caliper pair, Campy Record track hub pair" Kone - in scenic Boulder Colorado