Fred, These small portable tools ( I have the complete set ) are all I use to fine tune and adjust my bicycles that I have had over the last 28 years. I enjoy them a great deal. If I were to loose and/or have them stolen, I would go to EBAY and find and buy them again. Kim Hetzel- outside of Olympia, Washington.
>From: Fred Rafael Rednor <>
>To: Richard M Sachs <>
>Subject: Re: [CR]EBay Weirdness?
>Date: Sun, Mar 3, 2002, 3:36 PM
> >i have mafac tools listed on ebay and there are no
> bids. Well, has anyone _EVER_ been able to use those
> aluminum alloy MAFAC wrenches successfully? If so,
> please let me know the secret (other than using them
> on nuts and bolts that are already loose). I've got
> some nice MAFA tools but these wrenches have been
> useless for me.
> Fred Rednor - Arlington, Virginia
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