Choice of lever is important with any brakes if you're looking to improve braking performance. I set up my International with Zeus Alfas and Campy GS levers, and performance was mediocre. As my weight topped 240lbs, downhill stops were getting rather scary. A switch to sticky modern cantilever pads helped, but not enough. I was contemplating switching to aero routed levers for the added mechanical advantage (a favorite Sheldon Brown tweak) when Rivendell listed some standard cable routing Dia Compe levers with built in quick releases, designed for centerpulls and cantilevers. I wanted them for the releases, and hoped they would improve my braking performance. Well, the first ride with the new levers I managed to lock up a wheel on the first stop (the rear, fortunately). I am more than pleased, and recommend experimenting with levers to improve braking performance. Alas, Rivendell ceased carrying these levers, but they were fairly common so you might be able to find a pair. I assume an aero routed lever would give similar benefits if era specific parts aren't mandatory. And the Zeus centerpulls work fine with no squealing (Thanks to Nelson Miller for supplying the front).
Tom Adams, Kansas City
Centerpulls do work great.
I would suggest Universal 61's of the three brands mentioned unless you could get some cool old MAFACs. GBs or Conloys would be the cat's meow but pricey.
What type/vintage is your Hetchins?
Charlie Young
Honeybrook, PA
> Wondering if I might be able to stimulate a discussion.
> By way of introduction, my personal motive - short term - is to
> make a good choice for brakes on a Hetchins rebuild project. This
> frame is coming with cable brazeons for centerpull brakes and
> since I dislike holes and bits and pieces that go nowhere I
> thought it was time to experience centerpulls.
> Ive never owned a bike with them but have built a couple for
> Stone's Cyclery with modern levers, cables and pads and been
> impressed with how well they work. Pushing aside my ususal Campag
> snobbishness.......
> What are the pros and cons?
> Mafac vs Dia Compe vs Universal?
> Which models are best functionally or durability wise?
> Are some variations more desireable from an esthetic point of
> view?
> Collectible/value?
> Serviceability/parts?
> And what about parts -rarely see these advertised - are they
> still in stashes and overlooked?
> Theres a pair of what appear to be Mafac Tigers on Dales red
> Hurlow that are gorgeous - am I alone in this assessment?
> Know a little about the Singer, Herse, Toei, Mariposa preference
> and have read the R Reader article.
> What does this list think?
> Thanks
> Tom Rawson
> Oakland, CA