RE: [CR](S/A quadrant, question)

(Example: Humor)

From: "Mark Bulgier" <>
Subject: RE: [CR](S/A quadrant, question)
Date: Sat, 16 Mar 2002 23:37:05 -0800

Chuck Taylor wrote:
> > I have a quadrant shifter listed on ebay right now
> >
> ><blah>

And Calvert Guthrie replied:
> Is this one hard to find or has it just been my bad luck?
> I have maybe eight SA top tube types
> but only one of the kind Chuck has listed here
> (it was the only one I'd seen for sale).
> Does anyone have the skinny on this striped, brass, black & red
> pattern...when it was made, &c.

I have seen quite a few of those style, usually NOS in fact, and I was wondering why they were so common! I've only seen the one with the older graphics (at least I assume it's older) in used condition. I was thinking maybe S-A resurrected the design after a hiatus, and made a run of them in more recent times - though this is pure conjecture. I don't know that they ever stopped making them then started again.

I have one of each; I put a picture up at:

By the way, anyone know why they are called "Quadrant"? That seems to imply 4-speed, eh?

Mark Bulgier
Seattle, Wa