Hello Michael, Did you receive the MIXTE B model or the COMPETION model ? Were your rims individually wrapped or basically thrown in a make-shift box without proper wrapping ? Was the seller's name Sandy Nelson ? From Mr. Carl Gonzalez wrote and I quote. . . " they are legendary for supporting clinchers and sew-ups, but I'll bet the clincher that will work hasn't been made for at least a decade, I would think. The hook, or the bead is the issue. This rim will not work with today's clinchers. I would presume they were popular in the sevenities. Also, the area, where the cement is applied is the turned in part of the rim. This certainly does not provide for enough surface area as conventional tubular rims do for appplying enough cement. Like anything else,m use them with caution."
>From: Michael Lehmann <lehmann@well.com>
>To: Kim Hetzel <trhetzel@earthlink.net>
>Subject: Re: [BOB] Re: For Sale: one pair of NOS Wolber-MIXTE B- Super Champion
700c 36-Hole rims clincher
>Date: Mon, Mar 18, 2002, 9:08 PM
> Hi Kim:
> First of all, I am not interested in buying your rims because I, too,
> bought a pair from Australia. Mine arrived in decent shape. But, I am
> curious what you've discovered about them from people on the list. Are
> there issues or problems with them? Anything I should know about?
> Thanks in advance, and best of luck in selling your rims!
> best
> Michael Lehmann
> Kim Hetzel wrote:
>>>From: "Kim Hetzel" <trhetzel@earthlink.net>
>>>To: internet-bob@bikelist.org
>>>Subject:RE: For Sale: one pair of NOS Wolber-MIXTE B- Super Champion 700c
>>>36-Hole rims clincher
>>>Date: Mon, Mar 18, 2002, 5:45 AM
>>>To all the IBOB LIST members,
>>>I post for sale a pair of NOS Wolber -Mixte B-Super Champion 700c 36-Hole
>>>clincher rims.
>>>These have never been built-up. I have absolutely no use for them after
>>>gaining knowledge from those members, who responded to my need for
>>>information about them, recently.
>>>I bought these rims from overseas in Austrailia. I was expecting the dark
>>>anodized COMPETION model When I received the package, the rims were not
>>>packaged very well. There are light surface sratches here and there, around
>>>the perimeters of the sidewalls of the rims, where they touched one another
>>>from not being separately wrapped. Otherwise, the rims are in excellent
>>>condition, including the sticker label.
>>>$50.00, plus $8.00 shipping.
>>>Contact me off the list, if you are interested.
>>>Kim Hetzel
>>>Yelm, WA
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