In a message dated 3/19/02 11:34:00 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
> Gazelle is a large Dutch bike manufacturer. They make everything from
> roadsters with rod-actuated drum brakes to professional racers.
In fact, they also made Raleigh's at one point !
Aaron and I were down at the local used bike store (Salvation Army Thrift) and were looking over a bike-boomish Raleigh Grand Prix (such ornate lugs for such a clunker). We noticed a sticker that read:
"Manufactored under licence by Gazelle RUWIEL FABRIEK Holland Raleigh Company"
Its still there. Should I go back and take a look at the Heron headbadge to see if it says "Made in Nottingham, England" ? The Japanese assembled Raleighs for the USA market had that bit hashed out.
Glenn Jordan - Durham, NC