[CR]Re: Cyclo24 on eBay

(Example: Humor:John Pergolizzi)

From: <GPVB1@cs.com>
Date: Sun, 7 Apr 2002 15:39:20 EDT
To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Subject: [CR]Re: Cyclo24 on eBay

Not sure why there is such confusion about him, but as far as I know, cyclo24 is Carsten Rehbein in Barum, Germany. His wife Orchideen does help with the "nuts and bolts of eBay," so maybe that's what confused Matteo. I believe Carsten is a member of this list, unless he has un-subscribed to slim down his volume of incoming e-mails. I have dealt with Carsten many times. He is honest and diligent from what I've seen, but like many sellers on eBay, he does on occasion get a little carried away in his descriptions I think. It is, as always, important for the bidder/buyer to know what he/she is looking at (caveat emptor...).

Greg Parker Un-exotic Ann Arbor, Michigan USA

P.S. There is no "E" in front of caveat emptor; that's "e pluribus unum." Totally different head....

In a message dated 4/7/2002 3:03:10 PM Eastern Daylight Time, classicrendezvous-request@bikelist.org writes:

<< From: NortonMarg@aol.com Date: Sun, 7 Apr 2002 04:23:41 EDT Subject: Re: [CR]eBay item/campag item To: LouDeeter@aol.com, classicrendezvous@bikelist.org

In a message dated 4/6/02 2:54:28 PM Pacific Standard Time, LouDeeter@aol.com writes:

<< And check out his other auctions. I just bought a non-vintage frame from
    this guy in Germany. He is also the guy who was offering the early 70s Masi
    with the recessed brakes and braze-ons. Seems like a decent guy to deal
    with, at least by his emails >>
   I heard from Matteo in Italy that cyclo24 is a she. In an earlier email
   exchange that I had with cyclo, it was pretty obvious that he/she didn't
   understand the difference between a tubular and a clincher. I agree she seems
   quite nice and frequently has really great stuff.
   Stevan Thomas
   Alameda, CA >>