Very astute Chuck.
> Now let's get to the real scandal: Real Flying Scots vs American
> Forgeries! Does anyone consider the California built Flying Scots
> overseen by David Rattray in the early 1950s to be forgeries or the real
> deal. I remember hearing at the time that David couldn't wait to return
> to his beloved Scotland and leave this sunny, palm tree studded hellhole
> called SoCal.
David died in 1952, and as far as can be determined never appeared to build a single frame in Scotland let alone the US. Having owned the company since 1901 it wasn't till he took on his life-long employee and eventual partner Jack Smith that lightweight frame production began in the early 20's. Jack himself it would appear built few frames, but oversaw most of the work done all in-house by up to five seperate framebuilders at any one time...... Not sure if he ever managed across the pond, but certainly many of his products did !
In way of comparison with the whole 'Masi' issue, I've seen Flying Scot frames built pre-war (the big one) post, war, from the 50's through to the companies demise in the mid 80's. Yet one of the finest examples I've seen recently was built in the late 80's after the company was dissolved, built by M.Steel's in of all places Newcastle for the rival bicycle shop who bought the name and registered the trademark. Is this any less a Flying Scot ? - well no not really. It's perhaps just another example of the breed, similarly Masi's built by whoever, wherever must surely be taken in context with each other rather than compared using some downright fanciful elitist notions (of which plenty seem to be getting voiced) of worth or genuineness..... It appears to me that all these long-winded mails seem to do is add more nonsense than proven fact to history of the Masi marque. An example of which is the notion that many famous names rode Masi frames, yet when pressed Faliero (sp?) never admitted to building any..... Come of Mr Baylis - how is the definitive Masi history coming along....
It's the real thing......
Bob (still searching for the $35 Masi) Reid Stonehaven Scotland.