You never asked me for those decals. I have lots of those; it's a "Rustbucket McGurk" frame, is it not? Decals for that period frame are rare, and yet I have them for you! Let me know which color transfers you require to go with that rust brown frame. I'll suggest the pink, if you are at a loss.
Brian Baylis
La Mesa, CA
Let's be wise cracks together.
> Jamie Swan wrote:
> I want to add a side-bar to this thread. I prefer bikes in their
> original paint even if the condition is not that hot.
> Chuck Schmidt wrote:
> Jamie, there is a saying in collecting: "You cannot replace
> originality."
> A bike has to be _very_ far gone before I would ever consider
> restoration. Most of my old racing bikes have patina oozing out of
> their pores!
> Chuck,
> Here is a picture of the jewel of my bike collection. I'm pretty sure
> that it is done oozing. I've pleaded with all the frame painters to sell
> me transfers but the selfish dogs will only sell them as part of a
> complete restoration. So I am seriously considering having it repainted
> but I cringe at the thought of destroying the patina. Even if I spend
> the money on the paint job I have a couple of other problems that I am
> having trouble resolving. Both crank arms broke simultaneously the last
> time I tried shifting while standing during a Cat 2 field sprint but I
> forgot that I didn't have Ergo 10.... and Campy USA won't even take my
> calls! Also, the heads have popped off my spokes because the wheels
> where laced 5 cross on high flange. I was just trying to be period
> correct! I'm at my wit's end!!! Oh, and also, does anyone know where I
> can get a pair of those rubber things that go on the brake levers?
> http://www.http:/
> Jamie Swan Northport, N.Y.