The seller's a list member right? I think on the CR site connected to the highest price paid for parts page should be a page dedicated to the seller if they're a list member. They could have a picture and little quote about what they'll do with the windfall, "I sold my Gentlemans Herse and put my son through college", "Sold my pair of open-C skewers and bought a car." Maybe they can have a small trophy that goes to the person who get's the most outrageous price for one of their items. The trophy could change hands with each new windfall. Maybe there can be a ceremony at the Cirque for the best 3 ebay sales of the year. enjoy, Brandon"monkeyman"Ives buy's high and sell's low in Santa Brabara, Calif.
On Wednesday, 19, 2002, at 01:49PM, Chuck Schmidt <> wrote:
>Little Red Glass/Plastic JOS tail light
>$1025.00! Too kewelllll.
>Chuck Schmidt
>SoPas, SoCal