Re: [CR] Repro Campy hoods

(Example: Books:Ron Kitching)

From: <>
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2002 12:05:20 EDT
Subject: Re: [CR] Repro Campy hoods

Hi Ben:

I don't see anyone on CR "expecting" Campy to make us any hoods.

What folks are concerned about is the fact that there aren't new hoods currently being made anywhere in the world, ergo the supply of this common wear item that's on hundreds of thousands of old Campy-equipped bikes will run out at some point. To imply that what's out there now (much of it already twenty+ years old) will last forever is just plain silly!

Let's do some math: perhaps $10,000 US for a mold. Sell 2000 sets at $50/pair (that's less than what NOS world-logo ones are selling for right now. Like I said, this won't be cheap). That's a ten-to-one ROI, perhaps reduced to five-to-one after other costs are considered. Sounds laughable to me - not!

If there's money to be made, someone will do it eventually.

FWIW, my recollection is that replacement world logo hoods were about $15-30 per pair in the late '70s.

Greg Parker A2 MI USA

Ben wrote:

> none of this becomes the CR list.
> would my life be richer if i had an original remote for 4 year old sony VCR
> - no the Tandy universal model for $14.99 does just as well. sony would
> laugh at my request to remake one for me just as Campy is laughing at
> requests for their hoods. its cute and flattering but they will never take
> it seriously as they are in business to make money. if tullio were alive his
> response would be the same. it should have dawned on some of you that what
> you live for isnt getting cheaper.
> ciao,
> ben "still waiting on repro door sills for my Yugo" kamen NYC