I am offering a barely used "Gilles Berthoud" handlebar bag for sale, just the thing to hang on your vintage ride. It is in perfect condition, with the exception of 2 small holes that were used to mount an "Alex Singer" handlebar bag mount. In use these holes will snug up against the handlebar and you'll never see 'em.
It is very similar to a TA handlebar bag but of MUCH better quality.
You can see the bag at http://www.petry.org/
I'd like to get $80 or trade of comparable value, plus shipping which will probably be $10.
thanks !
===================================================== Mark Petry 206.618.9642 Beautiful Bainbridge Island, WA mpetry@bainbridgeisland.net ===================================================== It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent. It is the ones most adaptable and responsive to change.
Charles Darwin =====================================================