Re: [CR]Re: cookie cutter bikes

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Avocet)

Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2002 21:26:35 -0700
From: "Chuck Schmidt" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Re: cookie cutter bikes
References: <>

Greg Parker wrote:
> So, an Herse frameset and a mass-produced TIG-welded aluminum whatever are
> both lacking any artistry in your opinion?

We are talking about joining tubes artistically. You said a lug gives the opportunity to express artistry. You also said a TIG-welded joint doesn't. My point is that a smooth fillet hardly expresses much artistry. A masterpiece with a fillet? I could say the same of a TIG-weld.

> This from the guy that calls the the newfangled TIG'ed wonderbikes works of
> art?

You putting words in my mouth, Greg? I never said such a thing...
> You can't have it both ways!! ;-)

Recap on what you stated: Lugs=artistry TIG=sucks Fillet=masterpiece?

Fillets are so boring...

Chuck Schmidt
SoPas, SoCal