[CR]Talking about Beryl Burton...Crosspost from Fixed Gear list

Topics: Racing:Beryl Burton
(Example: Framebuilders:Rene Herse)

Date: Sun, 4 Aug 2002 16:33:20 -0400
To: classic list <Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
From: "Roy H. Drinkwater" <roydrink@mac.com>
Subject: [CR]Talking about Beryl Burton...Crosspost from Fixed Gear list

This was a posting from "Chris Chapman" <cchapman@alphalink.com.au> when someone mentioned Beryl Burton on the Fixed Gear list.

Original Message:
>Around 1968 (which sometimes seems like only yesterday to me) I came across
>an 'ABC' by Beryl Burton which went as follows -
>A is for ACTIVITIES of which cycling is the best - what other hobby has such
>a diversity of interests? Be it touring, club runs, camping, hostelling,
>time trialing, road or track racing - the bicycle caters for all.
>B is for BEARINGS which must be kept adjusted, clean and lubricated - light
>oil for wheels and pedals - light grease for bottom bracket and headset.
>C is for CYCLIST - be one and not just "an athlete on wheels" - it's more
>D is for DOPE - the biggest one is the rider who uses it
>E is for EQUIPMENT - choose the type most suited to your needs and pocket -
>look after it - check it weekly.
>F is for FITNESS for which you must train - each one according to his/her
>need - for me this is riding a bicycle 40/50 miles each evening Monday to
>Thursday, 40 miles on Saturday and 80/100 miles plus a race on Sunday - all
>training done on 70" gear at about 18-20 m.p.h.
>G is for GEARS - clean and lubricate weekly - check that wire and keep these
>jockey wheels adjusted, it's too late in the middle of an event.
>H is for HYGEINE - both dental and personal are important to a healthy body.
>I is for IMMERSION in water, a thing I never do during the racing season.-
>try a shower or rub down instead- Eau-de-Cologne is marvellous.
>J is for JOY - the feeling one gets when fit and riding the bicycle.
>K is for KEEN and efficient brakes - check those inner wires and blocks -
>your life could depend on them.
>L is for LIGHTS - see and be seen - I always use a dynamo in winter.
>M is for MUDGUARDS - except for racing. I can see no excuse for subjecting
>your body and bicycle bearings to wheel spray.
>N is for NUTRITION - intelligent eating rather than dieting is my recipe -
>grilled meat, salads, fresh and dried fruit, cheese and honey, all help to
>form a good nucleus.
>O is for OIL - a must for every free running machine - don't forget the
>P is for position on the bicycle - comfort is my first essential and works
>out for me approximately as follows:
>Frame size = 8" less than inside leg measurement
>Saddle height = inside leg measurement + 7%
>Reach from saddle centre to front of handlebar throw = inside arm
>measurement to fingertips plus 7%
>Saddle nose is 1.5" behind bottom bracket spindle
>toe clip length allows for ball of foot to be a fraction forward of of pedal
>Handlebars are 1" lower than saddle
>Q is for QUERIES - ask the experienced riders' views then adapt to your own
>R is for ROLLERS which help you to beat the fog, smog, and ice of winter
>evenings- I ride the gear bike on a 70" gear.
>S is for SHOES, SOCKS, and SHORTS which should be close fitting, clean,
>comfortable and of good quality.
>T is for TYRES - choose the type most suited to your needs and look after
>them - ensure are well stuck on - check weekly for flints and cuts - keep
>inflated: hard for riding, and lightly for storage.
>U is for the UNSUNG praises of cycling - let everyone know that you are a
>cyclist and proud of it.
>V is for VICTORY - which should be the aim of every sporting cyclist - work
>for it, it doesn't come easily.
>W is for WILLPOWER - keeps you going when hurting - cultivate it.
>X is for eXtra care you must take in your appearance and behaviour when on a
>Y is for YOUNGSTERS - encourage them to take up cycling.
>Zzz is for the sleep you require if all this isn't going to be wasted
>I think this gives a fair idea of the character of BB. I think if she met a
>wimp while out on the road she would give some words of encouragement and a
>smile, rather than seeking to aggrandize herself by belittling them.

I find it pretty interesting, others?

Roy H. Drinkwater
Lititz, PA