American production colors used from 1972 to whenever:
First two baking enamels are of Italian manufacture: Yellow Yellow with gold pearl top coat
These are PPG baking enamel (200 Celsius): dark blue metallic - Imron 44426u is very, very close match light blue metallic turquoise orange red silver metallic gun metal grey metallic champagne metallic
These were Imron: California Burgundy - just a single Imron toner Black - Imron 99U White - Imron toner
Anyone else remember any I've forgotten?
Jim Allen
matteo brandi wrote:
> Hi List
> IM helpin a friend of mine that is tryin to restore a a vintage masi.He
> wonders if there were some sorta of "official" colors for masi bikes,before
> he will pick up one that fit his tastes.
> U can reply off or on the list if u think that this could be an interesting
> thread.
> Thank you all!
> Matteo "....spaghetti meatballs and fettucine Alfredo arent italian
> food...." Brandi Firenze