>New Subject: What caused the near total disappearance of the French
>Bicycle Component Industry? According to Jan, the French were way ahead
>of the Italians (and Japanese I guess) in the production of superior
>bicycle parts. So what happened?
Could it be their (too) late adoption of measurements (seatpost/stem diameters, diameters, thread pitches, etc.) that were gradually standardized over the years in other countries? When I was replacing components on my Peugeot PX-10 back in the early '70's, I remember having to look far and wide for stuff while my friends with Italian or English bikes just went to the local bike shop and bought anything with the name "Campagnolo" on it. Made me sorry I bought a French bike, probably others felt that way too.
This is more of a humorous aside than a dig at Campy, but when I finally sold that 30 year old Peugeot (eight months ago), its Stronglight crank was still in great shape! But then again, if I'd been in better (financial) shape 30 years ago and had been able to afford a Campy-equipped Masi or Colnago, I'd probably still have the bike.
Bob Hovey
Columbus, GA