Re: [CR] To ride or not

(Example: Racing:Jacques Boyer)

From: <>
Subject: Re: [CR] To ride or not
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 2002 12:35:03 EDT

In a message dated 9/6/02 10:11:14 AM Eastern Daylight Time, Tom Dalton wrote (in part):

> Personally, I don't feel much desire to ride my older bikes. I should drag
> them out and tool around once in a while, but I don't. I own only two
> "vintage" bikes and neither is old enough yet to really be a novelty on the
> road. In another couple of decades, it might become more of an "event" to
> ride them. Right now I just think of them as cool old bikes that don't
> work as well as my new bikes. Someday though, six-speed friction and
> toeclips will be more than out-dated, it will be interesting. For serious
> riding though, the newer stuff will probably always be my choice.
> Tom Dalton
> Bethlehem, PA

Yikes! Are you sure that's what you wanted to say?

If the above is true, why then would you want to be a CR list member?

Cheers and it's not all that bad, really,

Greg "chief retrogrouch" Parker A2 MI USA

Where six-speed friction and toeclips still work just fine on "serious" rides, and

where the new (Detroit-area) velodrome requires only "familiarity with clipless pedals" because they "let folks work their way up to the higher-performance pedals-with-toeclips setup...."