Re: I: [CR] Craig's List outing

(Example: History:Ted Ernst)

From: "Chuck Schmidt" <>
Subject: Re: I: [CR] Craig's List outing
References: <>
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2002 13:41:21 -0700

Greg Parker wrote:
> (cut)
> Additionally, 50th groups sell at wildly varying prices. Like a factor of
> three to one high to low for NOS (used ones maybe only two to one from what
> I've seen). That one at $2500 NOS recently on eBay was the highest actual
> selling price I've seen (assuming the sole bidder actually bought the group
> at the end of the auction - who really knows with eBay?) Has anyone seen a
> higher transaction price for one in NOS condition? (cut)

The most amazing 50th group I remember on eBay was a _low three digit_ serial number complete with plastic owner card going for $1200 on eBay maybe three years ago!

Chuck Schmidt SoPas, SoCal
