On all the plastic-bushing Mafacs I have taken apart, the red plastic "top
hat" was the bushing; there wasn't any steel bushing. Like another poster
on this thread I have run into plastic as well as bronze-bushing Racers with
"Dural Forge" stamped on the arms.
David Feldman
Vancouver, WA
> FWIW, I just checked my 2000's, and both sets, early(traditional
> Mafac lettering, thumb "grip" on one end of straddle wire) and later
> gold and black rectangular badge, double barrel end straddle wire) have
> bronze or brass bushings, and plain plastic thrust washers to control end
> float. BTW, wern't the red "top hat" pieces really just to retain the
> pivot bushing and limit end float? Or am I thinking of Weinmann 999's?
> Best regards,
> Wes Gadd
> Unionville,CT