All: This person, Rodger Herbst, has a Paramount that he might be willing to sell. I have not seen the bike but thought some on the list may have an interest in it. Please contact him offlist if interested. Thanks, Randy Nelson Seattle
From: "Rodger Herbst" <>
> Randy;
> Here are the bike stats. I guess I could go either way
> as far as selling it or restoring and keeping it.
> If some one is interested, it would be fine to let it
> go for a few hundred dollars, with the understanding
> that it would be lovingly restored.
> The main issue is it is a bike made for 27 inch wheels,
> which really dont exist anymore.
> Schwinn Paramount 25 " frame;
> campy: head set, bottom bracket, shifters, front and
> (record) rear derailers
> kludged brakes & levers: combo of diacomp, weinman,
> suntour
> chinelli stem
> new avocet saddle
> 2 sets of wheels:
> one set 700 mms with mavic rims and bulls eye hubs
> one set 27 inch with mavic rims and normandy hubs
> Thanks