I think of the Ideale 90 and Brooks Pro as equivalent in quality, appearance and comfort. The 80 was a bit less expensive than the 90, and a bit rougher cosmetically, but seems to me to have about the same thickness of leather, and to me feels the same. One might be tempted to compare the Ideale 80 to the B-17, but the B-17 is clearly wider than the 80 ( at least the regular B-17, never owned a B-17 narrow). Some people have a strong preference for the Pro vs. the 90 or vice versa, but my own backside can't tell much difference.
Jerry Moos
> In terms of size and shape, what are the closest Brooks equivalents to
> the Ideale Model 80 and Model 90? For saddles of the same period, how
> does Ideale quality compare to Brooks?
> Lee Berg
> Palo Alto, Calif.