I must say I also rode one of Jeffs riggs!! I hung out at the shop where Jeff and Dale Saso used to build frame across from one another!! He was a bare bones and built from the seat of his pants, a ''TON'' of files & hack saws and the only fancy tool I ever saw him use was a borrowed dremmel tool from Dale!! It was something to watch Jeff knock out a frame in one day, less the paint of course. And he did this without the use of big time fancy jiggs!!..........Bet there's not many out there that can do that. At the time he wouldn't use the little ornamental bz-ons like the ones you see on the brake bridge!! I asked him why not, he said it makes it to easy to hide the sloppy work!!......At the time he was more into Function and value!! A true work horse!!............I rode and trashed one of his frames for several years, got it for 3 bills and sold it later for a little bit more than what I paid for it!!.......In fact this guy is still using it today almost 20 years later!!.......I will be having Jeff build me another frame or 2. If anyone plans on getting a Lyon and if you're nice to him he might let you watch him build you your frame in a day!! Of course less the paint. Watching him build a frame in a day with what little he uses just blows me away!!..............He's a great guy and who knows when in his area he just might take you fishing if he's not down in Cabo catching some waves!!
He can probably pound out a tandam in roughly 2 days!! If I'm correct he built some of the early Santanas?? He also builds a very cool trailer which requires a headset.
Like Dave said he will listen to you and your needs and respond to you! He's not into pushing his (certain!) style onto you! Instead he will give you what you want!! That's what I concider a true custom built rigg!!..I myself inquired about a certain need (want!) from another frame builder and never got a responce!!
BC Baron Corpuz..........Holland! Had lots of fun and games but I still need to pound the work out! Pushing just past 4:00 AM and I just finishing up with a few other customers!!............Off to bed it's ZZZZZzzzzzZZzzzzzzzzzzs..........time!!
> Hello Mike.
> We had a Lyonsport tandem
> by Jeff back in '83 when he was building in San Jose Ca. and sharing the
> with Dale Sasso (coincedently, it was BC who turned me on to Jeff and
> shop). Jeff is one of the nicest people that I have ever had the pleasure
> meet in the bicycle industry. His attention to quality, detail and just
> listening to your thoughts (both bike and nonbike related) are second to
> none. I have refered Jeff to friends and they report the same level of
> interaction. He does ornate stuff as well (interesting seatstay design).
> Bicycle Trader did a profile on him some time ago - check it out!
> Jeff is building a rack to attach one of his kiddie trailer bikes to our
> Lyon Tandem (which is set-up with a Longstaff kiddie stoker kit).
> Best Wishes,
> Dave Martinez
> Fremont Ca